Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A day of confusion

Pellucid - Transparent, shining through, or easily understood.

Have you ever been woken up instantly? It is kind of weird, it happened to me twice today. The first time I was dead asleep in the middle of my sleep when my phone went off. Not only did I shoot up in the bed I jumped out of it and scurried to my phone. When I wake up suddenly and try to do something, my mind is in the weirdest state, it's like not functional but functional at the same time. I am always focused on getting one thing done, and the instance this morning it happened to be, get out of bed and find my phone and shut it off.

The second occasion happened a couple of hours later when I was dead asleep again in the middle of a dream, a very good dream I must add (I think I was flying), and the door bell goes off. Again I shoot up and out of bed only I don't have clothes on so I run to the front door, realize I'm naked run back throw on shorts and a T-Shirt, and the whole time my mind is thinking about how long it's taking me to answer the door. My eyes were cloudy, my legs were Jell-O, everything was disoriented. It wound up being Amber's mom telling me it's trash day. NOT THAT IMPORTANT. I would have rather had my phone go off again than the stupid door bell.

So how the word of the day fits in, I guess when I wake up suddenly things aren't very pellucid, or clear, for me. I don't know my surroundings, I am focused on one thing, tunnel-minded I guess we can call it.

Have any stories like this? Or your own pellucid story?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


It's been a few days since I've been able to post, I have been out of town! I'll keep up to date as much as a can, I promise. If not, you can QUASH me! hahaha

Quash - 1.) To abate, annul, to overthrow, or make void. 2.) To crush, subdue, to suppress or extinguish, as to "quash a rebellion".

So, I'm doing landscaping for Amber's family and what I was doing was removing grass from the area that tulips and other types of bulbs are supposed to be growing. The grass had completely taken over their landscaping and needed to be removed so the bulbs could sprout and the grass could be cut without chopping up the tulips.

As I'm digging in to the earth and pulling up the moist patches of soil, I find the mother load of these nasty red grubs. There were probably 6 of them under this one patch of grass. Now this is kind of funny because my phobia of bugs is through the roof, normally I'm screaming and curled up in the fetal position but I was so intrigued by these red grubs that I scooped them up with the shovel and placed them on the cement porch.

Since I'm so scared of them, I thought I would pay them back by torturing the damn things one by one. To do this, I took the point of the shovel, and jabbed it in to the grub until it exploded. I was in for a surprise you see because I was not expecting an explosion, more like a crunch, only to see the green cream filling that grubs call organs spray out of it.

I continue down the line "exploding" each grub, quashing their dreams of taking over the world! Well, at least their hopes that they would have scared me. I finished up removing pieces of the earth (not to mention it was earth day) to find one more grub on my last chunk. Instead of putting him or her through the misery of it's classmates, I picked it up with the shovel, tossed it in to the air, and hit as if I were a baseball player.

Luckily, this one didn't explode on impact. Dumb idea.

What's your quash story?

Friday, April 23, 2010


Moil - (verb) 1.) To work with painful effort, to labor, to toil, to drudge. 2.) To churn or swirl about continuously. (noun) 1.) Hard work, drudgery. 2.) Confusion, turmoil.

I stretch my arms, take a few practice swings, dig in to my bags pocket to find a tee, and grab one of the few remaining balls that I have. Walking up to the first hole on my day of golf felt good. I haven't been out in almost two years and it was bringing a smile to my face. I place the tee in to spongy turf, and place the golf ball on top. I size up the par 4, take a few more practice swings and line up my club to hit the ball, boy my swing felt good. CRACK! I look up in to the sky only to see the feathery clouds eat up my ball and I had no idea where it was, and of course my dad was not watching me hit either. So I use the infamous word in golf, mulligan. I hit the ball again and it floated just right of the fairway, and I was able to track it down. On my trek to my second shot, I found my first ball a measly 30 yards off the tee box and realized that it probably went straight up in the air, and my club had probably gotten way underneath the ball. However it happened, that was the start to my day of golf with my father.

We spent 2 hours and 40 minutes golfing 18 holes, and the thing is the course is only 9 holes long but it works that you may golf it as many times as you'd like for only ten dollars. Did I mention it's two par 4's and the rest are par 3's? After golfing the first 9 holes fairly well (for the two of us at least), we played again. I happen to par the very first hole, and on the second hole I shot over the green and only needed a chip and putt for par. I hit my chip and thought, "Wow, that shot sucked." I was down behind a huge hill and only saw the flag blowing in the wind and my ball hit the top of the hill and I had thought it stopped there. I quickly ran up the hill to hit again so maybe my dad wouldn't notice that I had a bad shot when I see my ball rolling down the green straight to the pin. As it's getting closer I start getting vocal yelling, "GET IN THE HOLE!" like they do on TV. My dad was holding the pin and he pulled it as the (soon to be lost) Top Flite 3 rimmed around the edge of the cup what seemed to be 20 times and popped out. After all that blabbering, this is where the Word-of-the-Day comes in. The verbs second definition is swirling continuously, and that's exactly what my ball did. I wound up bogeying that hole, missing a 2 foot putt, go figure.

After that, the rest of our second round was pretty humorous, I was hitting 250 yard tee shots on 175 yard holes, my dad was slicing shots 50 yards out of the way he meant to hit, we were spending 20 minutes at every creek and pond extending all 18ft. of my dad's ball retriever. I'd say it was a successful day though, we walked away with 20 more balls than we showed up with, we killed our afternoon, and best of all we spent the day laughing at each other. Here's a nice little picture of my dad hitting out of a sand trap, haha!

The standard definition of moil is hard labor, or work. I did that yesterday, doing landscaping for my fiance's family.

What did you labor over today?

NFL Draft, Wastrel

Wastrel (noun) - 1.) Person who wastes, especially one who squanders money. 2.) An idler, a loafer, a good-for-nothing.

So, on the day of the 2010 NFL Draft the word wastrel fits in really well. Not necessarily one person who is a wastrel but an entire football team as an organization. Unproven college football players are going to be drafted by NFL teams, and given multi-million dollar contracts before they even step on the field. If a quarterback is taken as the first pick, they will be given HUGE sums of money. Take JaMarcus Russell for example, drafted number one by the Oakland Raiders and given $61 million dollars over the course of six years, $32 million of it given to him guaranteed. That's insane! I don't even have a dollar to spare, my picture of my money clip proves it!

If I remember correctly, Russell sat out for a very long time waiting to get the right amount of money, so long that he even missed time in to the season before he was under contract! After 4 years of playing with the Oakland Raiders, Russell has thrown for 4,083 yards, 18 touchdowns, and 23 interceptions. That's 1,021 yards, 4.5 touchdowns, and about 6 interceptions per season. It sure would be nice to make over $32 million for those kind of numbers!

This is just one situation here, this has happened so many times where organizations spend millions for players that are not proven and the player winds up rotting on the sidelines, eating valuable money.

I'm hoping this year is a little different, all the "experts" are saying that the St. Louis Rams will take Sam Bradford, an injury prone, unproven college football player. I hope the Rams don't WASTE their money on someone that could possibly never show up for them. But my fingers are crossed, like they are year after year, that this could be the year that a player isn't given money to do absolutely nothing to help out their team.

Any thoughts? Let me hear your wastrel story for the day!

Fist Post, Agrestic!

Agrestic (adj.)- Pertaining to fields or the country; rural; rustic.

Ok so here's the deal. I am going to collect the word of the day according to I will give you the word and definition, and then I will tell you how the word fit in to my day. If applicable or possible, I will attempt to upload a photo according to the word.

Today's word is agrestic, and my encounter was when my fiance Amber and I were out getting ice cream for her grandmother, mother, and the two of us I noticed the tractors out tilling the fields. The sun was setting and it was a very agrestic feeling as the sky was a bright shade of orange and off in the distance across acres upon acres of land a tractor was kicking up dust from the ground. I wish I was able to get a picture of this to share with everyone.

Please share your agrestic experience!

RIP Bud, Empyrean

Empyrean (noun) - The heavens

Today's word fits in to my life very well, I don't know if you would call it irony or coincidence. Whichever one it is, one of my best friends passed away two years ago today. He was driving home from a friends house, it was raining and the roads were soaking wet, as he was rounding a corner the car lost control and went off the road and hit a tree head on. Jordan and his girlfriend were in the car and were immediately rushed to the hospital. His girlfriend died the next day, and Jordan passed away soon after. I will never forget talking to Jordan's father in the hospital, we were talking about the last thing he had said to his son, and it was a text message. Jordan said he was on his way home, and his father responded saying, "Please be careful." Jordan's response was, "Always." He never saw his father again. To this day, if any one person tells me to be careful, I respond with a very simple word, "Always."

After the passing, Jordan had donated all of his organs and has saved several lives. To follow in his footsteps one of my best friends growing up and I filled out our I.D's as organ donors, and signed as witnesses. I can only hope to save a life if mine ever ends short.

It's been two years now, and Jordan still lives with me every day. There are moments I know he is watching over me, and it's really something special to experience. I would like it if you could share a story about losing a person close to you and how you are doing today.

I would like to thank Holly for the picture, I stole it from her via Facebook!

Rest in Peace Jordan, I know you are living up in the heavens, we miss you very much.