Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A day of confusion

Pellucid - Transparent, shining through, or easily understood.

Have you ever been woken up instantly? It is kind of weird, it happened to me twice today. The first time I was dead asleep in the middle of my sleep when my phone went off. Not only did I shoot up in the bed I jumped out of it and scurried to my phone. When I wake up suddenly and try to do something, my mind is in the weirdest state, it's like not functional but functional at the same time. I am always focused on getting one thing done, and the instance this morning it happened to be, get out of bed and find my phone and shut it off.

The second occasion happened a couple of hours later when I was dead asleep again in the middle of a dream, a very good dream I must add (I think I was flying), and the door bell goes off. Again I shoot up and out of bed only I don't have clothes on so I run to the front door, realize I'm naked run back throw on shorts and a T-Shirt, and the whole time my mind is thinking about how long it's taking me to answer the door. My eyes were cloudy, my legs were Jell-O, everything was disoriented. It wound up being Amber's mom telling me it's trash day. NOT THAT IMPORTANT. I would have rather had my phone go off again than the stupid door bell.

So how the word of the day fits in, I guess when I wake up suddenly things aren't very pellucid, or clear, for me. I don't know my surroundings, I am focused on one thing, tunnel-minded I guess we can call it.

Have any stories like this? Or your own pellucid story?

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