Tuesday, April 27, 2010


It's been a few days since I've been able to post, I have been out of town! I'll keep up to date as much as a can, I promise. If not, you can QUASH me! hahaha

Quash - 1.) To abate, annul, to overthrow, or make void. 2.) To crush, subdue, to suppress or extinguish, as to "quash a rebellion".

So, I'm doing landscaping for Amber's family and what I was doing was removing grass from the area that tulips and other types of bulbs are supposed to be growing. The grass had completely taken over their landscaping and needed to be removed so the bulbs could sprout and the grass could be cut without chopping up the tulips.

As I'm digging in to the earth and pulling up the moist patches of soil, I find the mother load of these nasty red grubs. There were probably 6 of them under this one patch of grass. Now this is kind of funny because my phobia of bugs is through the roof, normally I'm screaming and curled up in the fetal position but I was so intrigued by these red grubs that I scooped them up with the shovel and placed them on the cement porch.

Since I'm so scared of them, I thought I would pay them back by torturing the damn things one by one. To do this, I took the point of the shovel, and jabbed it in to the grub until it exploded. I was in for a surprise you see because I was not expecting an explosion, more like a crunch, only to see the green cream filling that grubs call organs spray out of it.

I continue down the line "exploding" each grub, quashing their dreams of taking over the world! Well, at least their hopes that they would have scared me. I finished up removing pieces of the earth (not to mention it was earth day) to find one more grub on my last chunk. Instead of putting him or her through the misery of it's classmates, I picked it up with the shovel, tossed it in to the air, and hit as if I were a baseball player.

Luckily, this one didn't explode on impact. Dumb idea.

What's your quash story?

1 comment:

  1. Love your writing about grubs. I have been digging too and I have the large white grubs they make me sick to my stomach to see them. o I crush them with the shovel. Now the skunk will not did up my yard looking for the grubs and leaving the smell. gma
